What does our logo symbolize?

The pattern on our logo is a reference to embroidered towels «rushnyky», which are an integral part of Ukrainian culture. Rushnyk is used as a strong amulet, especially if it was created by the hands of a loving person. Embroidered towels carry the cultural memory of people. Every sign and ornament has a meaning.
On our logo, we depicted 2 larks, and in between - the tree of life. Larks are birds that ALWAYS bring good news. Tree of life - indicates affinity and connection of generations, an endless cycle of rebirth, renewal and progress. This symbol stands for the protection and support of home and family. For us, it represents our desire to help our families, our friends and our country as much as possible.
We will give people a part of our hearts, our love and our hope for peace and a good future. Together we will do our best to bring only good news to people in need, and bring the moment of peace and recovery closer.
Glory to Ukraine!